Today, we're taking a detour from the usual talks of dates and flings, courtesy of a great friend who’s here to shake up how we think about life and, by extension, our approach to relationships.
If you've ever found yourself wondering why certain aspects of your life, especially your dating life, aren't aligning with your expectations, you might be missing a critical piece of the puzzle: strategic life planning, or as @BowtiedSocial , writer at
, puts it, reverse engineering your life.This is a deep dive into introspection, assessing not just where you want to end up, but how every choice you make—be it your career, social circle, or whether you want kids—shapes the journey towards your ultimate goals.
With that being said, let’s hand things off to Social.
Reverse Engineer Your Life
First of all I want to thank Cuda for having me write
Without further ado let's jump right in
Reverse Engineering is exactly what it sounds like
You need to think of a point 5-10 years out from now and think backwards
How do you want your life to be socially?
Do you want kids?
Bachelor for life ?
These are important questions
Most people never do this in regards to anything but their career
First way to be permanently stuck in the rat race forever
You can meet women broke but what’s the point ?
They won’t stay long because you can’t provide anything
Dating on perceived potential is okay when you are 20
A lot of you are older and its time to really give this some thought
Even if you are 20 you need to think about this
How old are you going to be if you have kids at 40 and then 20 years goes by and you are 60 and they are 20 ?
A lot of people lose their parents in their twenties due to this
Myself included.
My dad passed away over 2 years ago and it’s something you just never get over
My mom is in excellent shape after playing pro tennis her whole life but her back has 5 herniated discs
None us are getting any younger
However, there is a catch
You need to take big risks
It’s in your blood as a man
And any girls out there reading this, if you want to have kids, after 30 biology catches up with you
I used to date a girl ten years older and she was freezing her eggs
She had a good career, lived in a hi rise, and was seemingly put together
On the inside she was depressed. She told me on New Years Eve
She said she had done everything right and how could her druggy brother be married and not her ?
She didn’t understand that women can’t just get a good career and pay the bills
Most are not wired that way
With AI coming out, people are already talking to the AI and befriending them instead
Most people just don’t have their shit together at ALL.
No one else is going to tell you this
The system is designed for everyone to fail except the rich
You will not get rich from a job unless a it’s sales because its uncapped
Wifi money is the future
Everyone has internet nowadays there are no excuses
Most just scroll tik tok and watch porn
Remember how we used to listen to music on a radio ?
We were programmed to listen to music at a young age
A lot of people make playlists and curate the music
I never did
It gave me gangster rap on Pandora radio and I never stopped
Wouldn’t know any other songs because I didn’t even try
No telling what it did to my brain
We used to type in
Now comes to you on every single platform
It’s all porn and no one even realizes it
The globalists have profited off this and made pedophilia normal
I used to scout models and EVERY single real model agency has human trafficking of some kind
They start them young and you pay to play
Meaning $1000 a head for photoshoots
One girl gets all the jobs the rest become realtors
The Bowtied community is all reformed degens because we have become much more lucid than the average person
Eating healthy, drinking less or none, taking supplements, and sleeping properly
For men the higher your testosterone the easier this is to really grasp
The easier it is to do everything
You need to get your hormones checked ASAP
We have far to many endocrine disruptors in our world
After I would start thinking if you want kids or not ?
If so this matters a ton
You want to create generational wealth
Best way is by starting a business
Want to meet the mother of your children ?
You need to find them in wholesome places like church
Cheat code is Instagram
Every woman besides the Amish are on IG
You can look for any location they may be tagged and start following them
This is your online business card as well as a personal card
Men used to have them with just their names and address
You called the operator and they connected you
I’ve connected with high power individuals through mail alone
Most are still on IG but lowkey
You must always give to people when connecting
Never expect anything in return
They owe you nothing
If they made it big in Real Estate that’s the last thing they want to talk about especially to a stranger
They know what you are doing
You must not force these interactions and instead observe
Mirror people
Match their energy
High energy people need to be talked to with high energy
An accountant needs to be talked to calmly
Literally just mirror their energy and be yourself
If yourself sucks, fix it
No one is coming to do it for you
Consider this a friendly reminder
I am not here to scare you
I am here to tell you the truth
You are going to need to sit down and write this stuff down
I’ll help you start
Self-Study Exercise
Your family is the cornerstone influence on your social norms and desires during childhood. Understanding the social relationships within your family will shed light on the manner in which your mindset works today. Journal answers to each of these questions below.
Whose love did you crave more growing up – your mothers or fathers?
What is your social relationship like with your father?
What was your social relationship like with your mother?
What circumstances caused you to be social around your family?
Who were you most social with in your family?
Who in your family treated you with the most respect?
Who in your family did you feel most offended by?
In your teenage years, the influence of your nuclear family wanes in light of personal friendships. During this time so much of our self worth and understanding of social dynamics will come from our friendships and peer groups. Journal answers to each of these questions below.
What was the pivotal friendship you had as a child, and what made that bond strong?
What was the pivotal friendship you had as teen, and what made that bond strong?
Give an example of a friendship in which you felt slighted.
Give an example of a friendship that faltered due to your short comings
When did you feel included amongst your peers?
When did you feel ostracized by your peers?
What was your role amongst your peer group, e.g., the class clown, the leader, the social butterfly?
What do you look for in a friend now?
Many of our assumptions about women and our initial habits when it comes to relating to women are formed during our high school and college years. Through these next questions we’ll discover the underlying relationships and moments that have the greatest impact on your game.
What was your game like in high school, e.g., where you popular or isolated, were you confident or scared to interact with girls, did you make the first move or were you always hoping it would somehow happen?
What was your best “game” moment in high school, e.g., first kiss, first hook up and so on.
What was your lowest “game” moment in high school?
Armed with your understanding of game now, what factors led to their success, e.g., social proof, pre selection and throwing parties?
If you could go back to high school and college what would you have done differently in terms of game?
Why are you in game now?
What is your ultimate goal?
How will you know when you get there?
Lifestyle development is essential. But before we can define the lifestyle we want, we have to delve deep into the lifestyle choices we’ve made and most importantly – why we made them. Journal your answers below.
Are you living the lifestyle up until now, that you’ve always wanted? If not, what has been missing?
What have been the 3 most epic experiences of your life?
What was the one place that you loved traveling to the most growing up and why?
What is the one place you’ve never been that you want to travel to now and why?
What “superficial possession” did you always want growing up, e.g., a car, house, watch or clothes?
What are the factors that make an experience “epic” for you, e.g., an amazing location, specific people, women, money, food, and unique activities?
What element of your social life are you most grateful for now? Why?
Now we turn our attention to your career. Career choices have major a impact on your social and sex life, yet so many people fail to see that connection. In order to define the relationship you want between your career and social life, we designed these key questions to help craft a synergistic vision for that relationship. Journal your answers below.
What are the activities you love doing that cause you to lose track of time?
What role does work play in the life and lifestyle that you want?
What career related opportunities excite you the most and why?
What are you willing to give up to develop the ultimate financial and social lifestyle you want?
Does your current career path allow you to interact with the type of women and high status men you want?
What potential career tweaks or changes could you make to create a more synergic lifestyle socially and financially?
Write down all your answers. Copy and paste it to a word document.
These are extremely important and will help you audit your life
We do this because we want you guys to succeed
We want to have people with an abundance mentality
You are our primary motivators
Never give up and we will never give up on you
Closing Remarks
I love Social’s writing style
Very stream of consciousness, and if you spent any time talking to him on the phone, you’d realize this is exactly who he is in real life.
Reverse engineering is one of the most useful life skills I’m working to develop.
Being able to “work yourself backwards” from an outcome gives you some semblance of trajectory as you try to achieve things in life.
Obviously, plans rarely ever turn out the way you expect.
But if you are able to constantly readjust based on your desired end goal, you will be able to find some semblance of direction in the turbulent waters of today.
A Note about the Tides
The water is rough these days
But we’re getting better at navigating
A week ago, you ask me what I thought?
"Holy fuck, how can it keep getting worse every day?"
I’m sitting at home working, diving head first into the chaos, tearing up.
"It’s been a great life."
Looking forward to this summer, when HARDO officially ships (pre-order now), and the adventures that FY25 will bring.
Wishing all of you all the luck and blessings in the world.
Over and out